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Passion for Woodworking...

Bilt for the Long Haul


about Me.

It runs in the family…kinda! My grandfather Jack was a cabinet maker, general contractor and all around great carpenter. He was also a barber.

I would spend a lot of time in his basement workshop using tools that mostly scared the hell out of me. They were old, loud and built long before safety was a “thing”. My father was not handy with a hammer but one of the smartest people I knew with a pen! He opened London Business Machine in this same basement workshop circa 1967.

For me, I always liked working with my hands.  It started with me disassembling my new Christmas toys when I was little. In school I took every tech course I could, and later in life renovating houses, building decks and working on cars.

Now I spend time doing many things including Baker Bilt Woodcrafts! Cutting boards, serving trays, tables, even knives and swords (yes metal). I use premium stock and adhesives only, no garbage.

There’re properly Bilt for the long haul.

our stuff

Take a look at the woodcrafts below
Stuff for Sale

Current items for sale

Stuff I Make

Click here to see the various items that are crafted in our shop.

Stuff You Want Me to Make

Have something special in mind?

Click here to contact me

Technical Stuff

Everything you ever wanted to know and then some!

Past Projects

Click to see some of my previous works


We understand your requirement and provide quality works.

I went to Scott with a pre-existing table that needed a make over.
I had a few ideas in mind and after a consultation I left it in Scott’s creative hands.
I could not have envisioned the table made for my home.

So many layers of beauty, I cannot say enough good things about it.
It is not just a coffee table but really a piece of art.
But don’t worry it’s so incredibly durable (in my house is needed)

Thank you Scott for creating this beautiful piece for me.

Christie M

Contact Us

For more information on our products or custom quality works.

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